A few words to remember my mum.

2021 May 14

Created by Tony 3 years ago

Mum would not have wanted us to make too much fuss about her demise, she agreed with me that funerals are mainly for the living and make no difference to the one who has passed. She knew her time had come and she was at peace with that, she didn't want to be a burden to anyone and frequently said so.

She had a long and eventful life with dad, they travelled and lived in many countries, more than anyone else I can think of, a life with many downs as well as ups, the loss of her daughter, husband,, grand daughter, numerous inlaws and outlaws many other relatives and friends and outlived almost all of them. She had well held opinions on many matters and liked to debate them, she might not have agreed with you but she wouldn't fall out with you over them. Right up until the end she was more concerned with us all than with herself. She did not want to be a burden and kept saying so no matter how much we assured her she was not being one, an admirable and unselfish trait. She never fell out with any of us though we may well have deserved it, I certainly did.
Mum and Dad both came from Melford as you all will know, they met at school and stayed together ever after as a very successful partnership with different but complementary roles, dad earned the money and mum made sure it was spent wisely, she abhored waste and profligacy but at the same time was generous where she thought it was justified, this category did not include the tax man however. Mum was never career minded for herself though she had many jobs over the years, not for the money but for the interest and to satisfy her work ethic, she didn't like to be idle. Her real career in her opinion was looking after veryone else, family and friends were her priority.
Her interests included painting, she was always a good artist, water colours when she was young, then oils later in life when she got dad interested and they both painted a lot when living abroad. Sewing, she was always up for repairing and hemming things, old films often recommended by Jim or Mike, and reading, classics and historical novels mainly. She took an interest in village life and was something of a legend locally. the garden was used as a venue for the village music festival, BNatural and she supported the King Head even after she was unable to get there and dad was gone, fish and chips delivered every Friday. There is a photo of the two of them in the pub.
I was able to stay in touch with mum via the Ipad donated by Peter and Phil, almost daily until very recently, while she was in Laxfield House and we were unable to visit. I will miss those chats, I still find myself thinking mum will be interested when I tell her that, usually about family things but also about the general state of the world 
It's all still a bit hard to accept and adjust but I know her memory and dads will live on in the village although the Chamberlin Hall is not named after us, wrong Chamberlin but never mind! She will nor be forgotten and nor will dad.